So last week was 2 years since I lost my best mate and mentor Midget Smith. So today I thought I would finish the balsa board that Midget started about 6 months before he died. It was hard to finish both emotionally and physically because it was balsa and I've never worked with that material before. So the board came out looking unreal and to me it was a way to reconnect with my mate Midget. It's been 2 long years with out him but as they say the show must go on.
So as I started the next board today it felt like a brand new start like I'm now really the shaper of Midget Smith Surfboards. I have used all the knowledge Midget has given me to create surfboards that hopefully the people who ride them really like.
It's a new beginning for me and Midget Smith Surfboards new designs and new people riding our boards. I pretty sure Midget would be happy with everything but he would just want me to do it all faster.